Assistant Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program- Phoenix, Arizona
Tufts University
Amy Schlessman, PT, DPT, DHSc, Assistant Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Tufts University, Phoenix, Arizona, has over 20 years of clinical practice experience as a school-based physical therapist. She has taught in higher education since 2005. Her research is focused on instructional delivery, pediatric health promotion, burnout, collaborative practices, and school-based therapy services. Her scholarship includes over 60 professional presentations at national, state, and regional conferences, and over 100 invited speaker presentations. She serves the American Physical Therapy Association's Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy as Website Co-Chair, Zoom Committee Chair, Ohio Pediatric Advocacy Liaison, and a member of the Membership, Communications, and Public Relations Leadership Committee. She continues to practice clinically in the school-based setting and teach professional development courses.