Bethesda, United States
Terri S. Armstrong is a Senior Investigator and Deputy Branch Chief in the Neuro-Oncology Branch (NOB), and Associate Director for Patient-Centered Outcomes, Center for Cancer Research (CCR), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). She was awarded her PhD from the University of Texas in 2005 and has worked in the field of neuro--oncology for over 30 years; most recently at the University of Texas Health Science Center and MDACC, where she was the John S. Dunn Distinguished Professor prior to joining CCR in 2016. She has served as the Quality-of Life Chair on multiple institutional and multi-site cooperative and consortia group clinical trials and the PI of several research studies with over 4.5 million in grant support prior to joining the intramural program. An overview of the program of research led by Dr. Armstrong illustrates how the use of clinical outcomes assessments in therapeutic trials and clinical care and investigation of the genetic and biological basis of disease can lead to better predictions in a patient’s clinical trajectory through treatment, as well as the development of more effective, feasible and biologically-based therapeutic interventions. She was the recipient of the NIH Directors Award for Visionary Leadership in Patient Outcomes, 2020 and the NCI Director Emerging Leader Award, in 2020.