Nearly 60 percent of businesses believe they can use a one-size-fits-all approach for every marketing message and sales conversation. But did you know there’s a 180-degree difference between what motivates a potential resident to enter your community, versus what motivates a current resident to stay with you or modify their living arrangement?
And if your messaging doesn’t match an individual’s psychology in the moment, you’re putting your revenue, growth, and resident satisfaction at risk. In this keynote session, you’ll hear Leslie Talbot, SVP of Strategic Marketing at Corporate Visions, describe the psychology of status quo bias within the senior care industry—and you’ll learn how you can defeat or defend it based on individual resident circumstances:
Learning Objectives:
Disrupt their status quo bias to persuade them to join your community
Reinforce their status quo bias to encourage them to remain in your community
Adapt your messaging approach as their needs and preferences evolve