From automated services to curated products, info and intel alerts are everywhere. Despite best intentions, these alerts too often contribute to organizational noise and distractions – if they’re not quietly relegated to the digital dustbin. As intelligence stakeholders and organizational decision-makers demand more insight and foresight in our increasingly complex and uncertain world, how can we contribute through high value alerts, Early Warning systems, and other products that provide sound situational awareness and a clearer view of the horizon? How do we break away from inefficient and low-impact products towards products and services that are essential to the organization? How can we use these tools to help our users see patterns and trends – and separate signals from noise? Join Competitive Intelligence Fellow and Intelligence Certificates Instructor Cynthia Cheng Correia, as we explore these questions, aim for the next level of service, and position to become an essential part of your organization’s foresight and decision support system.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participant will be able to demonstrate differences between routine information alerts and high-value insight and foresight products.
Upon completion, participant will be able to determine types of insight and foresight products that can support management decisions.
Upon completion, participant will be able to initiate planning and design of internal insights and foresight products.
Upon completion, participant will be able to communicate the value of products and services to decision-makers and organizational stakeholders.
Upon completion, participant will be able to participate an organization’s Early Warning program.
Upon completion, participant will be able to expand the value of their services to users at management levels.