Software Engineer Sequlite, California, United States
Additional Fees Apply -- visit the Short Course Program section for more information.
This course will introduce students to the integration of low-cost sensors and microcontrollers to build tools for laboratory applications such as monitoring and control. We will review how laboratory hardware can be connected with cloud based systems to create a laboratory or enterprise-wide network for real time data collection and analysis.
The course will provide hands-on experience with the popular ESP8266 microcontroller and Arduino programming environment. Participants will walk through installation of the development environment, hardware testing, data collection, data analysis, controlling switches, and cloud integration.
Please note: It's important to understand how accessible and easy to use microcontrollers are. To demonstrate this, the course has hands on exercises where attendees will build useful solutions with the beginner-friendly Arduino platform. Participants will receive a kit containing a micro-controller and the hardware to complete these exercises in class. Participants will also need a laptop computer with at least one USB port and the ability to install the Arduino programming environment (administrator privileges). The cost of the kit is included with the course fee and you should take the kit home with you to continue exploration and delivering solutions on your own.
Who Should Attend: This is an introductory course and does not require any programming or electronics experience. Everything needed to build simple systems will be provided.
People interested in what the IoT is and how it will impact them
People who want to begin to explore creating their own monitoring/control systems
People looking for low cost tools for constructing laboratory instruments
Instrument vendors looking to leverage low cost microcontrollers for system monitoring
How You Will Benefit From This Course?
You will develop a basic understanding of the IoT
You will have hands on experience with Arduino
You will gain insight into how microcontrollers can be used in the laboratory
You will understand how many sensors and microcontrollers can be integrated with each other and the cloud to form complex data gathering and instrument control networks
Course Topics:
What are microcontrollers, sensors and “smart objects”
Using Arduino to collect and report signals
Using Arduino to respond to events and control output