ESG has become an important agenda in the global industry. Samsung Electronics DS division aims to minimize impact on the environment at every stage of product development, production, and consumption and push forward with the implementation of low-carbon workplaces. All of these eco-friendly reforms are not for the sake of this generation, but for the next and subsequent generations, and for humanity as a whole.
First of all, in order to reduce GHGs emissions, we are focusing on using less processing gas and expanding the use of renewable energy(RE), and by increasing the efficiency of manufacturing processes. We are maximizing reductions and minimizing emissions growth compared to emission forecast. All workplaces in the US, China, and EU have converted 100% of electricity to RE as of 2020, and use RE certificates and green rate systems in the short term, and are sequentially expanding RE supply contracts in the mid- to long-term.
Secondly, we achieved 97% of the recycling rate through the development of recycling technology, reduction of existing landfill waste, and expansion of separate discharge activities. And all semiconductor production lines achieved waste landfill zero certification.
Furthermore, we are trying to minimize water consumption and increase the reuse rate of water in the manufacturing process to maximize the efficiency of water resources. The ecological environment has also improved significantly that otters have been found as a result of strictly purifying water quality and discharging an average of 45,000 tons a day to Osancheon Stream.
As a result, we have obtained the carbon/water/waste reduction certification called ‘Triple Standard’ label from the Carbon Trust for all workplaces for the first time in the global semiconductor industry.
Finally, Samsung Semiconductor not only accurately informed the public of our efforts, but also established the Semiconductor Environmental Performance Index (SEPI) that reflects the characteristics of the semiconductor industry so that it can encourage peer companies with eco-friendly motivation. We also disclosed the detailed evaluation system on our website. We will continue to make efforts to become a standard for selecting eco-friendly semiconductor components for customers through continuous challenges and collaborations with global semiconductor industry peers.