Evidence-Based Practice
An education institute, that is part of an academic health system, is at the forefront of advances in foot and wound care education. The education institute has been working collaboratively with an AI-Powered wound management solution as part of a health care consortium focused on integrating technology into wound care practice during the COVID-19 pandemic to address the challenges faced by patients with chronic all types of wounds who require wound care in remote and rural areas with inconsistent healthcare.
During the first year of the collaboration, the implementation process and learning management system for the digital wound management solution were evaluated1. Clinical knowledge of wound care assessment and documentation was identified as gaps by the consortium. To address this issue the educational partner was selected to lead the development of wound care education modules that could be easily accessible via the learning management system for clinicians using the digital wound management solution on-demand.
The learning modules aim to enhance educational resources for wound care providers and address the gaps in wound care training due to low wound education rates2 and staff turnover3.
Module development is ongoing and consists of 6 modules:
At the time of the conference, findings from the survey will be shared in the following categories: