Case Series/Study
Delayed healing of foot ulcers can often lead to lower extremity amputation. Life expectancy after a lower extremity amputation is typically around 3 years [1]. New therapies are needed to aid in the ulcer healing process and augment limb salvage procedures. A synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix*, with a structure similar to native human extracellular matrix [2], is gaining popularity in the treatment of chronic ulcers and surgical wounds. This present case series investigates the use of the synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix in limb salvage procedures.
A retrospective study of three patients with nonhealing diabetic foot ulcers was conducted. Each patient underwent percutaneous elevating lesser metatarsal osteotomy surgery with excisional ulcer debridement. Two patients also had a gastrocnemius recession performed with the elevating osteotomies for surgical offloading of their nonhealing wound sites. At the time of surgery, patients received one application of the synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix to the ulcer site for augmentation of their limb-salvage procedures. Ulcer re-epithelialization was monitored at follow up visits.
Three male patients with diabetes mellitus type II were included in the present study. Two patients underwent elevating 5th metatarsal osteotomy procedures, and one underwent an elevating 3rd metatarsal osteotomy procedure. Two patients also had a gastrocnemius recession performed. All three ulcers underwent excisional debridement at the time of surgery, and the synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix was applied to the wound bed. The average starting ulcer size was 2.9cm² and had an average depth of 0.2cm. Each patient received one application of the synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix and all ulcers fully re-epithelialized in an average of 27 days.
Complete ulcer re-epithelialization was observed in all three cases treated with the synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix. The positive results seen in this pilot case series demonstrate the efficacy of the synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix in the augmentation of wound salvage procedures.
Trademarked Items: *Restrata® Acera Surgical, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri
References: 1. Beyaz S, Güler ÜÖ, Bağır GŞ. Factors affecting lifespan following below-knee amputation in diabetic patients. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2017;51(5):393-397. doi:10.1016/j.aott.2017.07.001
2. MacEwan MR, MacEwan S, Kovacs TR, Batts J. What makes the optimal wound healing material? A review of current science and introduction of a synthetic nanofabricated wound care scaffold. Cureus. 2017 Oct 2;9(10):e1736. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1736.