To promote and disseminate agrivoltaics information, the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and a national network of partners and stakeholders have created an online clearinghouse of agrivoltaic information with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. The AgriSolar Clearinghouse, launched in November 2021, features a library of peer-reviewed information; a media hub featuring videos, podcasts, and curated agrivoltaic news; and a user forum to connect people interested in agrivoltaic development in real-time. The clearinghouse also offers technical assistance for anyone interested in pursuing agrivoltaics and further supports agrivoltaics through networking and facilitation of agrivoltaic projects. NCAT’s long history as a trusted, practical connector for farmers, ranchers, regenerative agriculture, and sustainable energy, has ideally positioned the organization to have a large reach throughout rural America. The project’s diverse group of more than 30 partners and stakeholders represent private business, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, national energy laboratories, the Smithsonian, and leading universities.