Daanaa's semiconductor technology provides power transactions freely, safely, and efficiently. Power, together with data, travels medium and modality free. Medium free means wired or wireless (through the air, or through existing conductive structures) and modality free means both in AC and DC modes and their conversions as needed. Our chips are versatile, designed to integrate with existing technologies and hardware to simplify systems, save costs, and improve efficiency in diverse applications. Possibilities range from daily electronics and appliances to solar and wind power, electric vehicles (EV) and battery management systems (BMS), among others. Unique capabilities include bidirectionality, position freedom, efficient wireless transfer through materials – wood, plastics, glass, concrete and others – simultaneous transactions between multiple devices having different sizes, shapes and power requirements, with targeted and adaptable transfer scalable from only 1W up to 10kW. Our integrated circuits (IC) operate in the non-inductive near field. Daanaa’s integration into solar power allows panels to harvest on average 40% more power while reducing the costs of energy by 30%, contributing to incremental reductions in GHG emissions. Additionally, Daanaa frees solar power systems from their conventional limitations, providing significant innovations in its architecture and allowing previously inapplicable use cases.