Advisor on Renewable Energy Project Finance
Michael STAVY is an advisor (30 yrs) on renewable energy project finance (wind power, solar energy, energy storage, hydrogen, carbon mitigation credits and taxes). He helps his clients’ analyze the finances and taxes of their projects. He has a University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) BA (1967); Kellogg (Northwestern University) Day Program MBA (1969) and Illinois CPA (1979-inactive). At UIC he took took math through differential equations and orthogonal functions plus one year each of college chemistry and physics.
His 41 papers include, “A Financial Worksheet For Computing the Levelized Cost of Wind Electricity (US$/MWh, SEK/MWh) Stored in a Hydrogen Storage Systemâ€, ISES 2003 Conference, 14-19 June, Göteborg, Sweden. “The Carbon Content of Hydrogen Vehicle Fuel Produced By Hydrogen Electrolysisâ€, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (JSEE), February, 2005, Vol 127, Page 161 and, “A Financial Worksheet for Computing the Cost (¢/kWh) of Solar Electricity Generated at Grid Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Generating Plants (LCOE)â€, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, August, 2002, Vol 124, Page 319 .
He was quoted in the 06 Nov 19 ABC TV News article, “As California Burns, Generator Companies Make a Power Grabâ€.
His was quoted on electric grid reliability in the 04 April 12 New York Times.
Michael had a very unusual military experience (1968-74) which got him starting to think in terms of national energy policies. Michael (E-3-clerk-typist) was in the USAR 308th Civil Affairs Group. The 308th CA GP that continuously studied an assigned geographic area in order to set up a government after the front line moved forward.
Michael was a tenured Economcis Professor (1970-1999) at the College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL. He also taught (10/2002) International Finance at the Ecole Supériere de Affairs (ESA), Université Pierre Mendès France, (Grenoble-II) and at UIC (1997-98).