Principal Scientist
Waters Corporation
Milford, Massachusetts
Bonnie Alden joined Waters Corporation in 1982 to work with Dr. Patrick McDonald to develop new Sep-Pak Cartridge sample preparation devices. During her career, she has been a member of teams that brought transformative chromatographic columns to market; they include Symmetry which set the industry standard in reproducibility, XTerra, the 1st hybrid chromatographic packing, which was followed by the 2nd generation BEH hybrid and the Charged Surface Hybrid (CSH), as well as the recent development of modern, mixed-mode stationary phases for challenging analyses, such as the retention and separation of polar acids. More than 35 years later, she is still an enthusiastic student of liquid chromatography and separation science. Working as a principal scientist in the Research and Development Team of the Chemistry Technology Center, her research interests have been focused on developing SPE sorbents to address the needs of researchers in the evolving field of lipid nanoparticle nucleic acid drug products.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2022
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET