Common Sense Isn't So Common: Basic Foundations of Dental Practice Success
Saturday, November 12, 2022
2:00 PM – 2:50 PM
CE Credits: 1
With today's emphasis on SEO, statistical metrics and other myriad analytical tools to manage a modern dental practice, the common sense factors too often get overlooked. Paying attention to the basic foundations of success, such as patient experience, staffing, communication and word-of-mouth marketing are as important today as they were back in the era of pegboards and typewriters; and long before extreme PPE was ever thought of. Practice management doesn't have to be complicated. Following common sense policies, principles, and protocols will ensure a rewarding and stress-free practice for all team members on a daily basis. This lecture is designed for anyone who has or wants to have leadership responsibility over any aspect of dental practice in all various venues. It can also benefit team members who want to improve their work environment. Just remember the old axiom: "Common sense isn't so common."
Learning Objectives:
Understand how emphasis on principles of professional ethics is key to best patient treatment outcomes, and overall success for dental practice.
Establish how to conduct guilt-free hiring and firing to assemble the ideal staff for the best patient experience and business administration success.
Understand how to attract referrals through word-of-mouth not only from current patients, but through staff members, specialists, and dental labs.