Periodontal Disease, Diabetes & Obesity: Redefining Our Roles Part 1
Thursday, November 10, 2022
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
CE Credits: 1.5
Worldwide, an estimated 390 million people have diabetes — and that number keeps growing. This patient population has specialized needs when it comes to periodontal care. People with poorly controlled diabetes are at significantly greater risk for periodontitis, and conversely, periodontitis has been implicated in predisposing people to diabetes through insulin resistance.
Obesity may be the single greatest threat to global health. A known risk factor for diabetes, obesity has more than doubled since 1980, and projections suggest that 1.2 billion people will be obese by 2030. Recent studies have proposed a correlation between obesity and periodontal disease and numerous investigations have also suggested an interrelationship between Metabolic Syndrome and periodontal disease.
This energizing, revelatory course empowers dentists and dental hygienists to redefine their roles in caring for people who have or who are at risk for diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome or obesity with a focus on interrelationships with periodontal disease. By exploring the biological pathways that link periodontal disease, diabetes, and obesity, oral healthcare providers will have a better understanding of their unique opportunity to intervene in progressive screening, referral and medical-dental co-management of people in this at-risk population. Participants will have a platform to contribute to a lively case-based discussion that will help stimulate critical thinking on how to overcome barriers to implement protocols to better care for people who have or who are at risk for diabetes, and obesity. If your team is still treating patients who have diabetes and/or who are obese, the same way you treat healthy patients, this course is a must.
Learning Objectives:
Explain the biological link between periodontal disease, diabetes, obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome and how these interrelationships are synergistic and increase risk for systemic consequences.
Describe the concept of cumulative inflammatory burden and recognize patients who may be inflammatory-primed.
Monitor glycemic control to identify diabetic patients who are at greater risk for periodontal destruction, including performing chairside testing for HbA1c.
Reinforce the recommendations made by diabetes educators or others on the diabetes healthcare team.
Screen patients for diabetes, and identify patients who are obese or who may be at risk for Metabolic Syndrome and who might benefit from referral to physicians and specialists for weight management.
Build collaboration with the medical community to cross-screen and cross-refer patients at risk for diabetes, obesity and periodontal disease.