Implants have come a long way since they were first introduced as a hit or miss procedure in the last century. New diagnostic and surgical techniques have vastly improved the predictability of the procedure as well as long term prognosis of the treatment modality as whole. New technology brings new challenges. Cost and a steep learning curve to name a few. That, however, can't take the front seat when it comes to improving the overall prognosis of the treatment as well decreasing the morbidity due to prosthetic failures. This presentation will focus on advantages to using guided implant procedures like conventional surgical guides, 3D Live Navigated Systems as well as Robotic Implant surgeries, over the free hand or semi guided procedures. Having a clear, predictable and reproducible plan before the implant placement not only reduces retreatment and cost but also drives the clinician to take up more challenging cases which in turn gives the patients options for fixed prosthesis.
Learning Objectives:
Difference between guided, semi guided and fully guided implant surgeries.