Anterior Preparation Design: Not Perfect, Just Better! | Hands-On Workshop
Saturday, November 12, 2022
12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
CE Credits: 3
Additional Fee: $395 Prerequisites: 0 Supplies from Participant: Loupes
As dentists, we are expected to perform procedures at a highly consistent level. This requires what? Practice. Well, in your busy day-to-day, how can you practice? This hands-on workshop will provide you with the opportunity to see and do several preparations on bi-layered teeth that realistically mimic natural teeth. Anterior preps will be the focus of this discussion and then we will “do” the practice that we often do not have the time to carve out on a daily basis. Practicing allows us the opportunity to become consistent and really evaluate our own personal strengths and discover the details we can improve and repeat. The act of “striving for” is our goal!
Learning Objectives:
Anterior preparations: from full preparations to minimal.
The use of matrices for preps from mock-up to preparations.
Preparing the teeth for the impression process from analog to digital.
The process of dialing in the occlusion for provisional mapping.