Canyon Lohnas, PhD student
Program Specialist
College of Applied Human Sciences, West Virginia UNiversity
Morgantown, West Virginia
Aimee Morewood, PhD
Professor Literacy Education
College of Applied Human Sciences, West Virginia UNiversity
Morgantown, West Virginia
Stephanie Pockl, MD
Geriatrics Fellow
College of Health Sciences, West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia
Corinne Layne-Stuart, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesia
College of Health Sciences, West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia
Renee Nicholson, MFA
Director of the Humanities Center West Virginia University and Director at Programs for Multi- and I
Eberly College, West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia
Monika Holbein, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Penn State Health
Hummelstown, Pennsylvania
Evaluating the Literacy Levels of Opioid Agreements Readability formulas are often used to determine reading levels, however, these formulas may not be capturing the realities of the content within the documents. Given that healthcare professionals are taught throughout their training to use nonmedical language to increase patient understanding, it is important to look closely at the language and themes portrayed in medical documents. This research focused specifically on opioid agreements. Every step in patient care should help the patient achieve their goals in a safe and effective manner; the opioid agreement should not be an exception. Opioid agreements are part of risk mitigation and in some instances a requirement for prescription. The worry about these agreements is that in their current form, they may not be easily understood and thus not patient centered. The hypothesis was that the opioid agreements were not written at a literacy level that could easily be understood. This led to the formation of a working group that spanned different colleges within the university. The university’s Humanities Center brings together this interdisciplinary team of researchers from the field of education and medicine to evaluate the literacy levels of opioid agreements. Also known as opioid contracts, these documents inform patients of the risks and expectations of the use of opioids for pain management. The reading difficulty of these documents have a significant impact on a patient’s ability to comprehend the associated risks, benefits, and expectations of this treatment plan. This research focused on one university hospital system serving an Appalachian population and consisted of two phases: (1) a review of the readability levels and (2) a content analysis of the university’s Non-Chronic Pain Contract for Use of Opioid Medications (Pain Contract) and the university’s Consent to Treat with Opioid Medications (Consent Form). Two readability formulas were used; the Fleisch-Kincaid Grade Level (FK) formula and the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG). The research questions that guided this study were: 1. How are readability formulas used to evaluate the reading difficulty of opioid agreements? 2. What themes emerged during a content analysis of an opioid agreement? Using a case study approach (Yin, 2009) the readability levels of the university’s opioid documents were first analyzed using three easily accessible and (presumably) free tools (e.g., Microsoft Word,, and to evaluate the reading grade levels of the document. The reading scores are reported using the grade level and month within the grade (e.g., a score of 12.9 is the equivalent of reading abilities typical of someone in the ninth month of twelfth grade). The documents had different total numbers of words; the Pain Contract had 915 words and the Consent Form had 446 words. To control for consistency in assessing the reading levels of the documents, the exact number of words were used from the beginning of each document to calculate the individual reading levels and then the documents were combined (1361 total words) to determine an overall reading grade level. Each document and then both together were entered into each of the three readability tools and scored using the FK formula and the SMOG. The FK was selected because this is often used in educational settings and the SMOG was selected because this is typically used by the medical field. Content analysis was used in the second phase to look more closely at the meaningful language units within each of the documents. This social science approach includes a critical examination of text, an interpretation of the texts through either an emerging or a priori lens, and an understanding that socially constructed perspectives are brought to the text during analysis. Initially, codes emerged from both of the university documents. Then, to more clearly see the emerging code patterns, the educational team members separated the documents and the codes. After this separation, the codes from both documents were merged and color coded to establish one code list. The code list was shared with the medical team researchers, so that they could use their specific disciplinary knowledge to categorize the codes. The categorization groups were then titled by the collective team members to capture the codes within each of these groups. The evaluation of the opioid agreements using multiple readability formulas and tools led to several insights regarding the reading difficulty of the documents. The opioid medication agreement documentation at WVU Medicine is 1,361 words. The document was entered into the readability calculators to evaluate the reading difficulty of the documents. An evaluation using the FK formula yielded three grade level scores: 12.9 (Microsoft Word), 12.2 (, and 12.9 (text An evaluation using the SMOG index yielded two scores (Microsoft Word does not calculate SMOG score): 12 ( and 15.61 ( Regardless of the readability formula used, there is variation in readability scores. This raises questions about the accuracy of the formulas and calculators. These readability scores are higher than expected by the researchers and call for further consideration of the reading difficulty of opioid agreements. The content analysis identified several pieces of text within the document. Forty-two unique codes were identified and classified into seven categories within three themes. By coding the documents and placing the codes into categories, researchers were able to identify and describe the most meaningful elements of the documents and capture the purpose and significance of the document. Through the content analysis, meaningful elements were identified within the document and revealed a stronger emphasis on the risks associated with opioid medication rather than the benefits. A cross-disciplinary approach to this research allowed for a critical examination of the reading levels of these documents. While there was variance across the individual tools, they all produced upper grade level scores. This suggests that closer attention to the reading difficulty of opioid agreements is necessary to increase patients’ understanding of the documents associated with opioid medication. More accurate measures of readability could assist those crafting these documents and ensure an appropriate reading difficulty, which could lead to better understanding of the agreements by the patient. Additionally, a call for greater consistency among readability formulas and tools is also needed. Further, the content analysis demonstrated that increased attention to the potential benefits of opioid medication is needed given that this data suggested a stronger emphasis on the associated risks. Patients having a better understanding of the benefits could improve patient care.
The findings from this study will be used to improve the readability of this institution’s opioid agreement documentation. Future cross-curricular research also involves continuing to focus on the language used in this institution’s opioid documents and expanding the research to include other US university medical center’s documents to better understand the readability levels and the content.
References: Krippendorff, Klaus. (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publishing.
Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and method (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Dowell, Deborah, Tamara M. Haegerich, and Roger Chou. "CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain—United States, 2016." Jama 315.15 (2016): 1624-1645.
McAuliffe Staehler, Tuesday M., and Laura C. Palombi. "Beneficial opioid management strategies: A review of the evidence for the use of opioid treatment agreements." Substance abuse 41.2 (2020): 208-215.Learning Objectives: