iPS Powerful People
Houston, Texas, United States
iPS – Powerful People offers personnel solutions; payroll, permanent staffing and project management, mainly focused on the energy sector.
iPS has a track record of delivering personnel to 80+ Offshore Wind Parks in Europe and Asia in over a decade. It has offices in over 15 countries including The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Dubai, South Africa and Australia. iPS entered the Americas in 2007 and now has offices in USA, Mexico, Guyana and Suriname.
As per the 1st of February 2022, Guido is President of the US entity of iPS Powerful People, focusing on the US Offshore Wind Market, but also Dredging, Maritime and Energy industries in the Americas. After 7 years a General Manager Americas, Guido was responsible for global commercial activities within iPS – Powerful People since July 2019. Guido lived in Mexico from 2006 to 2022 in several commercial positions, creating business opportunities in the country and throughout Latin America.
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