Marine Protected Species and Regulatory Specialist at Advisian
Advisian Worley Group
Portland, Oregon, United States
Dr. Courbis has been working in marine science and regulation for over 25 years. She focuses on marine protected species and specializes in impact assessment, permitting and compliance, and mitigation. She is a senior scientist with Advisian/Worley Group. Her work in offshore energy includes Construction and Operations Plans, NEPA documentation and consultations, siting and planning, agency and stakeholder engagement, development of practicable mitigation, MMPA authorizations, CZMA consistency, and public comment support for organizations. In addition to work in offshore wind, she has supported environmental assessment and compliance for LNG, seismic, fisheries, coastal development, marine hydrokinetics (tidal and wave energy), and O&G projects. She is currently leading development of an Incidental Take Regulation request by the geophysical industry in the Gulf of Mexico for EnerGeo Alliance and is providing advisory services to clients interested in GOM OSW.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2022
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET