Business Environment Advisor
Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions, Texas, United States
Dr. Ruth Perry joined Shell in 2014 and has recently joined Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions as a Business Environment Advisor managing regulatory affairs for Shell’s offshore wind portfolio in the Americas. Ruth has nearly 15 years of experience in environmental permitting and ocean research and policy. She advises projects on permitting and in working with stakeholders to develop science-based solutions to understand and mitigate potential impacts to the environment. She helps Shell to develop public-private data collaborations, such as deploying autonomous technologies to monitor hurricanes. She has a number of peer-reviewed and media publications and serves on many national Committees and Boards, notably including the U.S. National Committee on Ocean Science as part of the U.N. Ocean Decade, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Science Advisory Board, and National Academies Ocean Studies Board. She earned a doctorate in Oceanography from Texas A&M University in 2013 and worked for NOAA before joining Shell.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2022
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM ET