Presentation Description: A consortium led by OWC is in the midst of a project for designing a novel shared landfall and cable route infrastructure concept as part of the NOWRDC's RFP Innovation in Offshore Wind Solicitation 1.0 program. A major problem facing offshore wind development is cable route and landfall congestion. Large offshore wind (OSW) projects must be connected to the existing onshore main interconnected grid system to export power which causes conflicts between projects and a first come first serve dynamic. This results in increased project costs and schedules for later projects. The project team has proposed an innovative possible solution to the stated problems that minimizes these obstacles for the entities involved in delivering OSW energy: novel shared landfall and onshore cable infrastructure concept. An approach for shared infrastructure to accommodate and co-locate cables at landfall and key onshore transmission corridors is proposed to increase cost efficiency and de-risk this element for projects. We have developed a conceptual design for landfall and onshore cable infrastructure that could be shared by multiple different projects and collected industry stakeholder perspectives on the proposed design. OWC would like to present our concept design and educate the industry on the advantages to it. Our presentation will outline the problem we are looking to solve, the status of the project at time of the conference, and an initial look at the concept solution via illustrations.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the problem of cable route and landfall congestion
Understand concept design we created and the benefits to our shared landfall and onshore cable infrastructure. Understand how our design increases efficiency and reduces costs for the entities involved including developers.