Manager MARIN USA Member Holland Home of Wind Energy (HHWE) Houston, Texas
Presentation Description: The U.S. offshore wind industry is on the verge of making a significant transition from its initial exploratory pilot phase into full-scale commercial industrialization. A wide variety of vessels expertise, tools, special equipment and workforce will be needed to install the wind turbines. Current practice uses specific windfarm installation vessels (WIV), but it is unlikely that sufficient Jonas-Act compliant WIV’s will be available on short notice. Consequently Jones-Act compliant feeder vessels will be a critical part of offshore windfarm development in the near to mid-term. In a study funded by NOWRDC, MARIN studied the differences in the operability characteristics of various feeder concepts. This study revealed the need for workforce development, modification to existing barges and newly built vessels to match the demand and to ensure efficient and safe development.Installation contractors, designers and developers will participate to highlight the lessons learned from earlier installation activities.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to have a better understanding of the concept of feeder vessels.
Upon completion, participants will be better able to assess the investments needed for feeder vessels.
Upon completion, participants will have a better understanding on safety aspects in wind turbine installation methods.