Presentation Description: Offshore wind projects have a variety of stakeholders from agencies, NGOs, fisheries, Tribes, ocean users, and more. The number of groups is not the only challenge, but the dispersion of stakeholder groups across miles of coastline. Virtual stakeholder engagement can include many options including, among others: a comprehensive project website, an open house virtual simulation, stakeholder survey, or other project visual simulations. The virtual platform can act as a central location for stakeholder engagement for consistent and up to date communications and can be paired with other engagement strategies.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to understand the importance of engagement of all stakeholder groups, the influences these groups can have on a project, as well as make considerations on multi-layered approaches to conducting outreach (i.e. provided innovations that became necessary during the pandemic which resulted in a more inclusive and accessible means for consultations, negotiations, and communications with agencies, Tribes, fisheries, and the public).