Power System Studies Team Leader Arup Chicago, Illinois
Presentation Description: Integrating renewable energy at scale is critical to achieving the accelerated decarbonization targets of the grid. Most large-scale renewables such as OSW are interconnected as Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs). To maintain the reliability of the power grid under high-penetration levels of IBRs, it is essential to ensure that those IBRs are performing reliably in accordance with the ISO/RTO and NERC/FERC requirements. Mitigating power grid disturbances and maintaining stability while successfully scaling the integration of IBRs such as OSW resources is a case in point. Several recent IBRs unreliable operation and unnecessary tripping incidents have highlighted critical gaps and potential blind spots in the existing interconnection studies processes. Of particular importance is the assessment of IBR ride-through capabilities. The reality is that positive sequence dynamic stability analysis, which are widely used for interconnection studies, were originally developed to assess rotor-angle stability of synchronous machines and cannot faithfully model the details of IBR controls and special protections. Alternatively, EMT models have greater resolution to capture potential IBRs tripping mechanisms such as erroneous over- and under frequency tripping and DC overvoltage tripping for HVDC-connected OSW. In this presentation we will highlight the need for proactive widespread adoption and transparency of EMT modelling and its importance to OSW highlighting challenges and benefits.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participant will have an appreciation of the EMT aspects as it pertains to OSW, specifically accounting for requirements with ISO/RTO for successfully studying the interconnections while at the same time working with vendors for open access to certain models. This proactive approach will help the OSW industry and its stakeholder lead the way on this important topic and be thought leaders to address ISO/RTO and NERC concerns.