VP Customer Solutions
Pearl Certification
Dunkirk, Maryland
I have focused my career on making homes more comfortable, efficient, and healthy. I ran my own small business improving homes one at a time and have also worked at a large consulting firm that supported U.S. EPA, the Dept. of Energy, and utility companies to promote programs such as ENERGY STAR.
At Pearl, I am the VP of Customer Solutions, a software services company establishing a national standard for verifying and certifying the energy and performance assets of homes to increase property value and improve outcomes for real estate agents and their clients. We look to engage homeowners throughout the entire lifecycle - educating them on home performance, connecting them with qualified professionals, certifying improvements over time, and making the value of those improvements visible at time of refinance or time of sale.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2022
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM