As we tighten up homes through weatherization related work, there is an ever increasing need to have multiple methods and techniques to control humidity and ensure properly ventilated, healthy, air quality within these homes. This is not always straightforward and can lead to poor outcomes either by not being addressed at all or by being improperly addressed. Humidity problems in homes are not specific to homes that have undergone weatherization efforts. All homes have potential humidity issues and it takes controlled effort to remedy. The secondary benefits of dehumidification in air conditioning systems and heat pump water heaters are not a controlled approach, and do not always provide the desired result.
The goal of this session is to help energy auditors and sales professionals recognize the challenges and opportunities to properly dehumidify and ventilate homes by looking at real world examples and the results of installed solutions in real homes. We shall review the different technologies and their benefits and limitations. We will break down a few different scenarios that allow for quick and effective sets of solutions to be employed to be cost effective and make for happy homeowners.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Learn to recognize the correlation between sensible temperature and relative humidity as well as their effect on human comfort
Learn the basics of humidity control and proper ventilation in existing homes; different approaches and their outcomes in different site conditions
Learn sets of conditions and how to choose an approach effectively