Building Policy Manager Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) Lexington, Massachusetts
A comprehensive home energy retrofit program known as Total Energy Pathways (or TEP) is being developed and implemented in Vermont. This program builds off the successes of Zero Energy Now, a VT pilot version of the program in 2016-2017, and applies a coordinated strategy of weatherization, heat pumps, biofuels, and solar PV – which in pilot phase delivered more than 60% fossil fuel and electric grid savings across 24 projects in existing Vermont homes. Now back in 2021 with a revitalized program model, this session takes lessons learned and shares actual pre- and post-project savings results, along with a discussion of the future of Total Energy Pathways outside of Vermont. Additional session topics include workforce training opportunities for contractors to secure more profitable retrofit projects. Participants – especially program administrators and home performance contractors – are invited to learn more about a program that has the potential to deliver exceptional results to homeowners and move their state substantially towards their building electrification and clean energy goals.
Learning Objectives:
By attending this session, attendees will:
Gain knowledge about a coordinated retrofit program model that has the potential to deliver substantial home energy savings in a variety of building types, with data and case studies demonstrating actual savings post-project
Identify key stumbling blocks to comprehensive home energy retrofits, and then learn how the TEP program elements address many of these issues, including contractor buy-in, stakeholder support, modeling tools, financing mechanisms and more. Contractors will discover new ways to adjust their business model to a more sustainable pipeline of whole-home retrofit projects with higher profit margins. Program administrators will discover ways to stimulate the building decarbonization market and get more customers within their territories off fossil fuels
Understand and weigh in on efforts to build the workforce needed to address the existing building challenge