Executive Director, Center for International Programs
Kalamazoo College
Center for International Programs
Margaret Wiedenhoeft is the Executive Director of the Center for International Programs at Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She is responsible for all aspects of international and domestic study away programs, including budget, risk assessment and management, and developing international engagement strategy. Wiedenhoeft received her BA in international studies from Emory University and her MBA and PhD from Western Michigan University. Her interest and passion for international education began with her experience living, working, and studying in Berlin, Germany for four years. Her professional interests include advocating for equitable participation for international opportunities, short-term study abroad programming, professional development in international education, international civic engagement projects, and conducting research about the impact and experience of study abroad on U.S. college students.
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Thursday, June 2, 2022
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM MDT