A major goal in macroecology is to link patterns of biodiversity to generalizable rules. Examining adaptive radiations provides insight into these rules, through phenomena such as convergent evolution. If the relationship between traits and niche are best explained by patterned, repeated development of traits as opposed to shared ancestry, convergent evolution must be the dominant process. Cold, temperate communities are less likely to produce these patterns by chance or exaptations. We examine this phenomenon using the Holarctic ground beetle genus Nebria (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Where found, these carnivorous beetles are the most abundant arthropod. They occur across a wide range in elevation (0 – 3000 m. above sea level), where they occupy sequentially overlapping, but statistically distinguishable elevational ranges and have close associations with microhabitat type, which also vary predictably with elevation. In isolated mountains ranges, independent lineages of Nebria spp. have evolved due to geological barriers. By mapping morphological traits and habitat usage onto a phylogenetic tree of Nebria spp., I will use the relationships between traits and niche to test for convergent evolution while controlling for ancestry. The California Academy of Sciences hosts specimens from the entire Holarctic region that Nebria species occupy (~250 species). Locality data can be used to infer habitat use – using satellite. From these specimens, images will be taken on a microscope-attached camera measured using the software ImageJ. Geometric analyses will be made by converting images to silhouettes. Linear and geometric morphological measurements will be used for trait analysis.