President Pacific Biocontrol Corporation Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The sex pheromone of codling moth Cydia pomonella was identified by Roelofs et al. 1971. The effort to commercialize codling moth mating disruption (CM MD) began in the late 1980s and first registered by the US EPA in 1991. CM MD is widely used in pome fruit production areas worldwide. Despite the success, there are still grower concerns with respect to the efficacy and cost of CM MD. The sex pheromone of oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta was identified in 1973. Oriental fruit moth mating disruption (OFM MD) was first commercialized by the US EPA in 1986 and is still widely viewed as a successful and reliable technology worldwide. The goal of my presentation is to summarize the worldwide use of CM MD and OFM MD and discuss possible reasons for the difference in how these 2 insects process and respond to their sex pheromones.