Chelsea Abegg Soils & Plant Technician Rutgers University
Hymenoptera2, Eastern Branch, Student Member, Social Butterfly, Outdoor Enthusiast
Subodh Adhikari Postdoctoral Researcher University of Idaho
Hannah Bodmer University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
North Central Branch, SysEB Section, Diptera
Michael Branstetter Research Entomologist USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit
Selina Bruckner Postdoctoral Fellow Auburn University
Ana Cabrera Principal Scientist Bayer CropScience
Sarah Chaney Independent Self-employed
Pauline Deschodt Postdoctoral Fellow SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY
Lily Durkee PhD Candidate Colorado State University
Michelle Fountain Head of Pest and Pathogen Ecology NIAB East Malling
Diptera, Arthropoda, Hymenoptera1, Lepidoptera
Kasey Fowler-Finn Associate Professor, Biology Saint Louis University
Araneae, ESA Member, Hemiptera, Arthropoda
Karen Goodell The Ohio State University
Robert Hadfield Brigham Young University
Pacific Branch, ESA Member, SysEB Section, Student Member, Outdoor Enthusiast, Foodie, Nature Lover, Soon To Be Dad
Taylor Hori Undergraduate Research Assistant Michigan State University
Mackenzie Howse University of Northern British Columbia
Jasper Hubert Technical Manager Uk Koppert UK
International Branch
Rachel Irvin Research Technician Utah State University
P-IE Section, First Time Attendee, Foodie, Nature Lover
Jasleen Kaur Ph.D. Candidate The University of Florida
P-IE Section, Southeastern Branch, Coleoptera, Coffee Connoisseur, Yes, I Read Your Email
Morgan Knutsen Graduate Research Assistant University of Kentucky
Rayda Krell Global Technical Education Scientist Corteva Agriscience
Karl Magnacca Survey Entomologist Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife
Laura Marmolejo Master's Student Michigan State University
P-IE Section, Student Member, Feline Fine, 3% Human 97% Stress
Krystal Maya-Maldonado Postdoctoral Johns Hopkins University
Macee Mitchell Graduate Student Eastern Washington University
P-IE Section, New Member, Pacific Branch, Student Member, Nature Lover, First Time Attendee, Plant Affionada, Coffee Connoisseur
Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati Postdoctoral Researcher Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jessica Mullins PhD Student University of California San Diego
Dominique Person non-professional
Kaitlin Rim None
Berenice Romero Ph.D. Candidate University of Saskatchewan
Sabrina Rondeau PhD Candidate University of Guelph
Chris Stelzig Executive Director Entomological Society of America
Executive Director, Staff
Kelly Tims Graduate Student University of Georgia, Entomology Department
Jennifer Zavalnitskaya Graduate Research Assistant Michigan State University
North Central Branch, P-IE Section, Plant Affionada