Rachael Bonoan Providence College
Early Career Professional, Eastern Branch, Bakers Gonna Bake, Foodie, Bookworm
Dipsikha Bora Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences Dibrugarh University
MUVE Section, Diptera, ESA Member, Arthropoda, Yes, I Read Your Email, Coffee Connoisseur, Couch Potato, Nature Lover
Diann Crane Entomologist Metropolitan Mosquito Control District
ESA Member, North Central Branch, MUVE Section
Carol Anne Hagele Education Specialist San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
Pacific Branch, Sci-Fi Junkie, Nature Lover
Amanda Liczner Post doctoral researcher University of Guelph
Early Career Professional, New Member, P-IE Section, ESA Member, Bakers Gonna Bake, Dog Lover, Social Distancing Expert, First Time Attendee
Madeline Worth Student Drexel University
Sydney Worthy Entomologist City of Saskatoon
Early Career Professional, ESC Member, Hymenoptera2, 3% Human 97% Stress, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Social Distancing Expert
Tracy Zarrillo Assistant Agricultural Scientist The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station