Catherine Bouchard Veterinary epidemiologist Public Health Agency of Canada, NML-PHRS
Acari, MUVE Section, Dog Lover, First Time Attendee, Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast
Claire Gooding Graduate Student Simon Fraser University
LĂdia Gual Gonzalez Graduate Research Assistant University of South Carolina
Award Winner
Leslie Holmes Postdoctoral Fellow University of Lethbridge
Early Career Professional, ESA Member, ESC Member, Eastern Branch, Yes, I Read Your Email, Nature Lover, Working As A Desk Jockey, Foodie
Victoria Hornbostel Research coordinator WCSU Tickborne Disease Lab
Heather Kopsco Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
MUVE Section, Early Career Professional, North Central Branch, Acari, Coffee Connoisseur, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, 3% Human 97% Stress
Brandon Lyons Assistant Research Scientist Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Southwestern Branch, MUVE Section, Dog Lover
Dominique Magistrado Graduate student The Ohio State University
Melissa Rosalez Graduate Student University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
MUVE Section, New Member, Student Member, Bookworm, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Nature Lover
Tara Roth Vector Ecologist San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District
MUVE Section, Pacific Branch, ESA Member, Acari, Outdoor Enthusiast, 3% Human 97% Stress, Foodie, Nature Lover
Megan Schierer Graduate Student University of Maine
Andres Urcuqui-Bustamante Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Maine