Robert Bush Brigham Young University
SysEB Section, Student Member
Rebecca Clement ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow USDA - ARS
Nicolas Dowdy Head of Zoology Milwaukee Public Museum
Early Career Professional, Lepidoptera, SysEB Section, North Central Branch, Yes, I Read Your Email, Coffee Connoisseur, Foodie, Nature Lover
Megan DuVal Undergraduate Researcher University of Utah
SysEB Section, New Member, Student Member, Hymenoptera1, Nature Lover, Sci-Fi Junkie, First Time Attendee
Anna Eichert Graduate Student American Museum of Natural History
SysEB Section, Student Member, Outdoor Enthusiast, Top Dog
Makani Fisher PhD student Purdue University
Lepidoptera, SysEB Section, Student Member, Social Distancing Expert, Outdoor Enthusiast, Nature Lover
Katherine Geist Postdoctoral Researcher Iowa State University
Robert Hadfield Brigham Young University
Pacific Branch, ESA Member, SysEB Section, Student Member, Outdoor Enthusiast, Foodie, Nature Lover, Soon To Be Dad
Dezene Huber Professor University of Northern British Columbia
Arthropoda, Coleoptera, International Branch, Pacific Branch, Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Avid Angler, Feline Fine
Yume Imada Assistant Professor Ehime University
Marissa Ohran Undergraduate Student Utah Valley University
Rodolfo Probst Postdoctoral Fellow University of Utah
Kelly Tims Graduate Student University of Georgia, Entomology Department