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Attendees who have favorited this...
Julia Berliner
MS Student / Research Assistant
University of Georgia
Carl Clem
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Georgia
James Cornish
Research Assistant
University of Georgia
Southeastern Branch, Student Member, Coleoptera, Outdoor Enthusiast
Benjamin Iuliano
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nicholas Martin
Graduate Student
University of Florida
Marla Schwarzfeld
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Program Committee
Emily Shelby
University of Georgia
ESA Member, Southeastern Branch, Student Member, Cat In Lap, First Time Attendee, Superstar, Social Butterfly
Kelly Tims
Graduate Student
University of Georgia, Entomology Department
Jennifer Zavalnitskaya
Graduate Research Assistant
Michigan State University
North Central Branch, P-IE Section, Plant Affionada