Hannah Bodmer University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
North Central Branch, SysEB Section, Diptera
Katharine Buckley Pollinator Health Coordinator Washington State Department of Agriculture
ESA Member, Hymenoptera2, Pacific Branch, P-IE Section, Bookworm, Cat In Lap, Plant Affionada, Sci-Fi Junkie
Adam Dale Associate Professor University of Florida
Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Plant Affionada, Dog Lover
Mackenzie Howse University of Northern British Columbia
Andony Melathopoulos Associate Professor Oregon State University
Macee Mitchell Graduate Student Eastern Washington University
P-IE Section, New Member, Pacific Branch, Student Member, Nature Lover, First Time Attendee, Plant Affionada, Coffee Connoisseur
Melissa Rosalez Graduate Student University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
MUVE Section, New Member, Student Member, Bookworm, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Nature Lover
Clifford Sadof Extension Specialists Ornamentals Urban Forestry Purdue University