Chelsea Abegg Soils & Plant Technician Rutgers University
Hymenoptera2, Eastern Branch, Student Member, Social Butterfly, Outdoor Enthusiast
Dan Aurell PhD Student Auburn University
Hannah Bodmer University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
North Central Branch, SysEB Section, Diptera
Sarah Chaney Independent Self-employed
Rebecca Clement ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow USDA - ARS
Makani Fisher PhD student Purdue University
Lepidoptera, SysEB Section, Student Member, Social Distancing Expert, Outdoor Enthusiast, Nature Lover
Carol Anne Hagele Education Specialist San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
Pacific Branch, Sci-Fi Junkie, Nature Lover
Tracie Hayes Graduate Student University of California, Davis
Taylor Hori Undergraduate Research Assistant Michigan State University
Dezene Huber Professor University of Northern British Columbia
Arthropoda, Coleoptera, International Branch, Pacific Branch, Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Avid Angler, Feline Fine
Jill Oberski Ph.D. Candidate University of California Davis
Berenice Romero Ph.D. Candidate University of Saskatchewan
Annika Salzberg Master's student Cornell University
Thomas Sheehan Jones Center at Ichauway
Jason Williams N/A
New Member, First Time Attendee