Chelsea Abegg Soils & Plant Technician Rutgers University
Hymenoptera2, Eastern Branch, Student Member, Social Butterfly, Outdoor Enthusiast
Subodh Adhikari Postdoctoral Researcher University of Idaho
Dan Aurell PhD Student Auburn University
Mitchell Baker Associate Professor Queens College of CUNY
Hannah Bodmer University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
North Central Branch, SysEB Section, Diptera
Chan Dolan Graduate Research Assistant University of Minnesota
Susan Fahrbach Professor of Biology Wake Forest University
Michelle Fountain Head of Pest and Pathogen Ecology NIAB East Malling
Diptera, Arthropoda, Hymenoptera1, Lepidoptera
Salena Helmreich PhD Student Washington State University
Dezene Huber Professor University of Northern British Columbia
Arthropoda, Coleoptera, International Branch, Pacific Branch, Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Avid Angler, Feline Fine
Claire Kremen Professor University of British Columbia
Kyra Peterson Senior Laboratory Technician Eco Lab
Diptera, Early Career Professional, New Member, Bookworm, Cat In Lap, Coffee Connoisseur, Outdoor Enthusiast