Helena Avila-Arias Postdoctoral Researcher Purdue University
Coleoptera, Work(ing) From Home
Rachael Bonoan Providence College
Early Career Professional, Eastern Branch, Bakers Gonna Bake, Foodie, Bookworm
Dipsikha Bora Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences Dibrugarh University
MUVE Section, Diptera, ESA Member, Arthropoda, Yes, I Read Your Email, Coffee Connoisseur, Couch Potato, Nature Lover
Diana Chapman USDA APHIS
Lepidoptera, International Branch, Plant Affionada, Bookworm
Carol Anne Hagele Education Specialist San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
Pacific Branch, Sci-Fi Junkie, Nature Lover
Laurel Hansen Faculty Emeritus Spokane Falls Comm College
Thamer Mahdi Entomologist Abell Pest Control
Hymenoptera1, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Cat In Lap, Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Work(ing) From Home
Kyra Peterson Senior Laboratory Technician Eco Lab
Diptera, Early Career Professional, New Member, Bookworm, Cat In Lap, Coffee Connoisseur, Outdoor Enthusiast
Carlotta Savio PhD student Inrae, Paris Saclay, FR and Laboratory of Entomology, WUR, NL
Nature Lover
Sydney Worthy Entomologist City of Saskatoon
Early Career Professional, ESC Member, Hymenoptera2, 3% Human 97% Stress, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Social Distancing Expert