Rachael Bonoan Providence College
Early Career Professional, Eastern Branch, Bakers Gonna Bake, Foodie, Bookworm
Dipsikha Bora Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences Dibrugarh University
MUVE Section, Diptera, ESA Member, Arthropoda, Yes, I Read Your Email, Coffee Connoisseur, Couch Potato, Nature Lover
Carol Anne Hagele Education Specialist San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
Pacific Branch, Sci-Fi Junkie, Nature Lover
Amanda Liczner Post doctoral researcher University of Guelph
Early Career Professional, New Member, P-IE Section, ESA Member, Bakers Gonna Bake, Dog Lover, Social Distancing Expert, First Time Attendee
Sydney Worthy Entomologist City of Saskatoon
Early Career Professional, ESC Member, Hymenoptera2, 3% Human 97% Stress, Dog Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Social Distancing Expert