Chelsea Abegg Soils & Plant Technician Rutgers University
Hymenoptera2, Eastern Branch, Student Member, Social Butterfly, Outdoor Enthusiast
Sandra Alcaraz Director of Development NovaSource / Tessenderlo Kerley
ESA Member, Pacific Branch, P-IE Section, Southeastern Branch, Bookworm, Coffee Connoisseur, Plant Affionada, Nature Lover
Tahnee Ames Graduate Student University of British Columbia
Julia Berliner MS Student / Research Assistant University of Georgia
Ana Cabrera Principal Scientist Bayer CropScience
Suzanne Carriere Wildlife Biologist (Biodiversity) Government of the Northwest Territories
Andrea Chacon Hurtado University of Liege
Carl Clem Postdoctoral Fellow University of Georgia
Rebecca Clement ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow USDA - ARS
Felipe Dargent Great Lakes Forestry Centre - Canadian Forest Service - NRCan
Early Career Professional, Eastern Branch, Lepidoptera, New Member, First Time Attendee, Foodie
Pauline Deschodt Postdoctoral Fellow SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY
Megan DuVal Undergraduate Researcher University of Utah
SysEB Section, New Member, Student Member, Hymenoptera1, Nature Lover, Sci-Fi Junkie, First Time Attendee
Stephanie Eckard Washington State University
Anna Eichert Graduate Student American Museum of Natural History
SysEB Section, Student Member, Outdoor Enthusiast, Top Dog
Lauren Esposito Curator of Arachnology California Academy of Sciences
Roy Faiman Senior Scientist, Entomologist VecTech, LLC
Michelle Fountain Head of Pest and Pathogen Ecology NIAB East Malling
Diptera, Arthropoda, Hymenoptera1, Lepidoptera
Emily Franzen Research Associate Xavier University
Kara Gibson Postdoctoral Researcher Northern Arizona University
Karen Goodell The Ohio State University
Jacob Gorneau Graduate Student California Academy of Sciences
Laurel Hansen Faculty Emeritus Spokane Falls Comm College
Jennifer Heron Invertebrate Conservation Specialist BC Ministry of Land, Water and Natural Resource Stewardship
Leslie Holmes Postdoctoral Fellow University of Lethbridge
Early Career Professional, ESA Member, ESC Member, Eastern Branch, Yes, I Read Your Email, Nature Lover, Working As A Desk Jockey, Foodie
Victoria Hornbostel Research coordinator WCSU Tickborne Disease Lab
Mackenzie Howse University of Northern British Columbia
Dezene Huber Professor University of Northern British Columbia
Arthropoda, Coleoptera, International Branch, Pacific Branch, Nature Lover, Outdoor Enthusiast, Avid Angler, Feline Fine
Sebastian Ibarra Jimenez Research scientist Bc Gov Ministry of Forests
Committee Chair, ESC Member, ESBC Member, Exhibitor, Yes, I Read Your Email, 3% Human 97% Stress, Outdoor Enthusiast
Esme John Research Biologist Canadian Forest Service - Natural Resources Canada
Todd Johnson Assistant Professor of Forest Entomology Louisiana State University
Josiah Kilburn Morehead State University; Morehead State Entomology Club
Morgan Knutsen Graduate Research Assistant University of Kentucky
Rayda Krell Global Technical Education Scientist Corteva Agriscience
Chris MacQuarrie Research Scientist Canadian Forest Service
ESC Member, Committee Chair, P-IE Section, North Central Branch, Program Co-Chair
Karl Magnacca Survey Entomologist Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife
Laura Marmolejo Master's Student Michigan State University
P-IE Section, Student Member, Feline Fine, 3% Human 97% Stress
Tolulope Morawo Entomologist United States Navy
Kimberly Nesci Director, Office of Pest Management Policy USDA
Jill Oberski Ph.D. Candidate University of California Davis