PhD Candidate Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
‘Zines are self-published mini magazines that use words and imagery to communicate concepts or new ideas. We published three issues of “Green Verses”, a zine collaboration between student writers and artists in the Department of Biodiversity, Earth & Environmental Science at Drexel University. “Green Verses” stitches together a community of creators, each page featuring a new contributor. The first issue was entirely virtual and inspired to mitigate the feeling of isolation during the pandemic. The latest construction of the zine occurred in-person and provided an opportunity to collaborate in a live fusion of the arts and sciences. I will share my experience in utilizing zines as a vehicle to strengthen the skill of visually representing ideas. Immediately prior to this talk, we will hold an associated Mini Workshop in which we will provide a template for organizing cooperative sketch-based reflections in the form of printed or hand-made mini-magazines.