Hannah Levenson
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Entomology and Plant Pathology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
S Hollis Woodard
Assistant Professor of Entomology
University of California
Riverside, California
Brianne Du Clos
University of California
Riverside, California
Daniel Cariveau
University of Minnesota
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Terry Griswold
Research Entomologist
ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit
USDA ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit
Logan, Utah
Shalene Jha
Associate Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Connect with researchers from across the US at this workshop hosted by the US National Native Bee Monitoring Research Coordination Network. This workshop is focused on developing specific sampling methods that will be used in the development of a standardized national bee monitoring program.