Medical Affairs Executive Director
Michele Puyear, PharmD
Medical Affairs Executive Director, Genentech
Michele has been involved in healthcare as a Pharmacist, GPO Clinical Pharmacist, HEOR/Managed Care MSL, Account Manager, and National Field Director. She is passionate about healthcare and eager to take on challenges that complicate our healthcare system. While working in the pharmaceutical industry for the past 20 years she has worked with many national, regional, and government payers to generate and disseminate clinical and pharmacoeconomic data. She has also worked with Group Practices and IDNs to improve patient and customer care through disease management programs. During her career she has launched several products and been involved in strategic development of clinical payer messaging. Michele received her PharmD at St Louis College of Pharmacy and completed a residency at MedAssests/HSCA. She also achieved a Certificate in Health Economics and Outcomes Research at the University of Washington.