CMO Falls Church, Virginia, United States
Getting into the military is easy compared with getting out of the military. Securing a job outside of the military may even seem harder. Whilst there are several programs to assist military and government personnel to understand the landscape, the focus on post-military career development and career search is not as robust as the current environment requires.
Not only do you have to understand how best to craft your resume to secure your next position, you also need to understand the playing field, the major players at each step of the way and how to continually equip yourself to improve your skills and networking.
Based on over 20 years of job search from the recruiter’s perspective, this presentation provides the military and government job seeker an overview on how best to prepare to enter the civilian workforce and how to best equip themselves with the tools for continual career development.
Learning Objectives:
Better understand the difference between government and military job search and development compared with private sector job search
Learn about the key players in each stage of job search that will support you in successfully securing your next position
Develop a strategy continually improve in your overall career post-military.