Technical Manager - CERT Data Science Carnegie Mellon University South Park Township, Pennsylvania, United States
The capabilities for creating quality deepfake audio, image and video content have been rapidly improving in recent years due to advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. While this raises many individual privacy concerns, are deepfakes really a security threat to organizations? This talk will explore the organizational security concerns posed by deepfakes and what organizations can do to combat these threats.
The presentation will explain the fundamentals of deepfakes including how they are created, practical human deepfake detection methods and automated machine learning-based detection processes. Real-world incidents of deepfakes impacting organizations will be presented and discussed. The talk will conclude with recommendations for practices organizations can adopt now in oder to stay ahead of the emerging threats posed by deepfakes.
Learning Objectives:
Describe how deepfake content is created and approaches to detecting it.
Understand how deepfakes can pose threats to organizations.
List actions than an organization can take to limit the risks posed by deepfakes.