Research Fellow IV
Auburn University, Department of Civil Engineering
Opelika, Alabama, United States
Dr. Wesley Donald is currently a Research Fellow in the Department of Civil Engineering at Auburn University. Dr. Donald received a Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in Civil Engineering from Auburn University. The focus of his doctoral research was on the use of ditch check practices in channelized flow for controlling erosion on highway construction sites. Dr. Donald has performed research in ditch check practices; has researched sediment barriers in sheet flow applications for evaluating ALDOT sediment barrier practices; has evaluated catch basin inserts for urban runoff applications; and has assisted in the testing of inlet protection practices. Currently Dr. Donald is overseeing the testing of erosion control p provides under simulated rainfall conditions. Dr. Donald also provides training in erosion and sediment control technologies to industry practitioners; and is instructing undergraduate and graduate students in Introduction to Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, Project Estimating, and Erosion and Sediment Control Technologies in Construction.
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Thursday, February 17, 2022
9:50 AM – 10:20 AM