Senior Marketing Manager
Profile Products, United States
Ross Bruno is an erosion control marketing strategist with experience with both hydraulically-applied erosion control technologies and blanket products. Prior to joining the erosion control industry, Ross was a communications strategist specializing in biosciences and renewable energies. His experience includes creation of online resources for solar site developers and community solar planners on behalf of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
Nationwide, renewable energy sites pose unique challenges due to their remote locations and prior land use. Sustainable revegetation of these sites is essential. With experience in solar, as well as, wind, geothermal, bio-fuels and other renewable site development, Ross has seen the unique challenges of site development and the best practices to create successful generation sites.
Upon transitioning to the erosion control industry, Ross quickly became an industry contributor by holding posts with the Erosion Control Technology Council ( and as a board member for the Mountain States Chapter of IECA ( Currently, he resides in Colorado and holds the position of Sr. Marketing Manager with Profile Products.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2022
3:20 PM – 3:50 PM