Building and maintaining artificial ponds suspends sediment and small particles (turbidity and particulate) into the water. These materials cause many negative impacts within a water body. Turbid water blocks sunlight and disrupts photosynthesis and fish behavior. Sediment may contain nutrients, including phosphorus, which can enter our waters from erosion, fertilizers, biosolids, crop runoff, construction activities and other land disturbing activities. These materials cause eutrophic conditions that lead to algal blooms and surface water quality degradation. Fine particulates in the water column are a point of attachment for contaminants of not only nutrients but also bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, and endocrine disruptors. Water soluble anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) technologies can be utilized to enhance current Best Management Practices (BMPs). Utilizing PAM, we are able to greatly reduce the suspended sediment as well as mitigate impacts of to a given water body. Water treatment versions of PAM in the anionic form have shown very low to no aquatic toxicity potential to the environment. Through various research and tests using polymer enhancement in conjunction with known BMPs have achieved 70-95% reductions in phosphorus along with 95% reduction in turbidity NTUs. Polymer blends are also capable of reducing particulate bound metals up to 50-75%. Odors from organic soils may be reduced significantly as the PAM binds to sulfur compounds within the soil. This can allow removal of very pungent material in close proximity to residents and guests of park attractions. PAM technology provides a very adaptable tool to greatly enhance and improve pond construction and maintenance activities. Ultimately, this provides clients with more satisfactory results and provides predictable water quality results for the pond manager. Project examples will include soil stabilization systems, de-watering systems, pond and lake clarification including nutrient reductions, aquascaping, and de-mucking.
Learning Objectives:
Understand why Anionic PAMs are safe for the environment.
Determine several construction and maintenance activities where PAM may be used.
Understand PAM's ability to adapt to a wide range of applications, climates, soil lithologies, and project scales.