Erosion is defined as movement and consequent displacement of soil particles due to agents like water, wind, ocean currents, ice by downward, down-slope movement in response to gravity or by living organisms. It is a natural process but, in many cases, it is increased by many factors, e.g. unmanaged construction activity of roads, railways and industrial areas. The major potential environmental impacts associated with mining and associated mineral processing operations are related to erosion-prone landscapes, soil and water quality, and air quality. Therefore, it is very important to follow the erosion and sediment control plans (ESCP) in mining operations. The adherence to such plans is vital for minimizing soil loss and for protecting water quality. Erosion and sediment control must be considered from exploration to the beginning of mine operations and continuing into the reclamation and decommissioning phase. There is no better way to understand the importance of a good ESCP than showing real examples of application done in different locations considering different triggering factors and associated best practices to minimize the erosion and mitigate its effects. For example, we will have a close look to: - Diversion drains - Catch drains - Sediment basins All the operations should be developed in accordance with the IECA Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines. The principles of effective erosion and sediment control have to be based on the following: - Appropriately integrate the development into the site; - Integrate erosion and sediment control issues into site and construction planning; - Develop effective and flexible erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans based on anticipated soil, weather and construction conditions; - Minimize the extent and duration of soil disturbance; - Control water movement through the site; - Minimize soil erosion; - Promptly stabilize disturbed areas; - Maximize sediment retention on site;
Learning Objectives:
Define an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in Mining Operations
Possible solutions to minimize soil erosion and promptly stabilize disturbed areas
Integrate erosion and sediment control issues into site and construction planning